

俚语 slanted


To lose composure and let your emotions get the better of you. When you get upset/angry/worried/nervous/anxious over something and it affects your mental state and ability to stay focused.

A synonym for tilted.
I just lost 10 games in a row, I'm way too slanted to keep playing.

My jungler just fed my lane doublebuffs, I'm slanted.


to go beyond basic intoxication...
"I was wasted but now i'm slanted!"


To be ripped off by an Asian.
Nip Su Ping slanted me on that key of coke!

Those fucks at magic wok slanted me on my chow mein.


adj: homosexual
your so slanted!

The Slants

The Slants are an Asian synth-pop band that have been melting faces off all over the country. Since the creation of the band, The Slants have toured the country five times, received press for turning down a million dollar recording contract, and were the first and only Asian band to be a Fender Music featured artist. These cross country tours included appearances at rock clubs, anime conventions, cultural festivals, and industry gatherings. Bassist and founder Simon Young explains, “Most of the people that find our name racist aren’t even Asian! We’re saying to the world ‘We’re proud of who we are, we aren’t going to hide it.’ In fact, our biggest support has been from the Asian community itself!" Vocalist Aron explains “We have a song called Sakura, Sakura where we take hateful rhymes about Asians and we turn them into a song about unity and being proud of our heritage.” (from theslants.com) The Slants have also released a second album, "Pageantry", which came out in 2010. This album features such songs as "How the Wicked Live". Currently, the band is in a conflict with the USPTO after attempting to trademark their name.
I saw The Slants live, and my face melted off. They rock so hard. The USPTO can suck it.


gailic for drink up bitches.
Slante my friends. *tosses back a shot of excellent irish whiskey*


A derogatory term used to refer to those of Asian descent. More accurately, it tends to refer to anybody with slanted eyes.
Japan's full of slants. And they all make more money than me.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:27:42