Super + Clarity = S(uper) + (C)larity = Slarity
Singularity to Eternity(Plurality)
Nothing to Everything
Small to Big
Start to End
Dark to Light
Chaos to Order
Ignorance to Enlightenment
Bad to Good
Where the mind becomes matter,
where dreams become reality,
where the impossible becomes inevitable.
It's the opposites that come together to bring meaning to each other.
Derived from Singularity & Eternity, Unity & Diversity, Oneness & All, Nonduality & Advaitha.
Slarity is a philosophy, its a Belief:
We believe, if we can imagine it, we can innovate it.
This is who we are, this is what we do - Imagine Innovate.
Singularity to Eternity(Plurality)
Nothing to Everything
Small to Big
Start to End
Dark to Light
Chaos to Order
Ignorance to Enlightenment
Bad to Good
Where the mind becomes matter,
where dreams become reality,
where the impossible becomes inevitable.
It's the opposites that come together to bring meaning to each other.
Derived from Singularity & Eternity, Unity & Diversity, Oneness & All, Nonduality & Advaitha.
Slarity is a philosophy, its a Belief:
We believe, if we can imagine it, we can innovate it.
This is who we are, this is what we do - Imagine Innovate.
Super Clarity - Slarity
The new name for Singularity
The word Singularity is too long for humans
Legend has it, if a great & important name doesn't start small, it will eventually become one, like:
Coca-Cola became - Coke
The Huffington post became - Huffpost
Instagram became - Insta
Facebook became - FB
Pete's Super Submarines became - Subway
We humans like it simple and easy
Thus Slarity was born
Shorter & easier to say - Sounds like Clarity but with an S instead of C
Singularity made more precise, condensed & Clear
Singularity x (Super+Clarity) = Salrity
Ok Bye!
The word Singularity is too long for humans
Legend has it, if a great & important name doesn't start small, it will eventually become one, like:
Coca-Cola became - Coke
The Huffington post became - Huffpost
Instagram became - Insta
Facebook became - FB
Pete's Super Submarines became - Subway
We humans like it simple and easy
Thus Slarity was born
Shorter & easier to say - Sounds like Clarity but with an S instead of C
Singularity made more precise, condensed & Clear
Singularity x (Super+Clarity) = Salrity
Ok Bye!
Slarity is the new Singularity