

俚语 slarsh


To steal something from someone, like a parking spot, to cut someone off on the freeway, to steal a girlfriend. Mainly used in the surfing community
Dude, brah that guy totally just slarshed my wave brah.


was made up by a girl but then spread by Blaze and Huxley means the exact same thing as darsh
shut up you freaken SLARSH
Your the biggest slarsh in the school!


the end product of an interspecies sex act. because a human cannot impregnate an animal, the collective juices seep from the creature's swollen orifice, producing a rancid stench. it is considered a delicacy in many parts of asia.
After a night of extended bestiality, I awoke to find that I was covered in SLARSH.


A state of being that transcends the realms of inebriation, causing one's coordination and cognitive faculties to morph into a whimsical carnival ride. When slarshed, you enter a dimension where your limbs dance like an intoxicated octopus attempting to salsa, your speech transforms into a nonsensical symphony of hiccupping and guffawing, and your decision-making process becomes a spontaneous game of darts played blindfolded with marshmallows. It's a state so utterly absurd that even the unicorns give you bewildered side-eyes, and leprechauns borrow your shoes for impromptu tap-dancing performances. In short, being slarshed is like stumbling into a maelstrom of ridiculousness, where the laws of sobriety are gleefully discarded in favor of an uproarious celebration of all things ludicrous.
"Kayla sure is slarshed right now"




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