

俚语 bellar


Bellar is another subscriber of the youtuber GM19. She is a cool and poggers girl.
Hello Bellar


a bellar is a girlboss at playing roblox
wow ur good at roblox ur a bellar


she is the hottest person in this world. she literally is so amazing and kind and gives me so much motivation. I love her so much
bellarealities is my favourite person!


Colloquial pronunciation of "bellow." Seems midwestern in origin (Michiganders, especially).
I'm right next to you, you don't need to bellar!

Bellare cotton jam

Verb: the act of insurting a penis into a womans vagina while she has a cotton tampon insurted in her nukkle profected and fonuded in 2009 by Billy kent!
Ya i gave that bitch a "Bellare cotton jam",

and now shes afraid of the dark!

The Bellar Effect

The Bellar Effect

the ability to manipulate the Authorities and People to continue the Vice for decades. Includes manipulation, lies, exploitation.
That bitch has all of them believing everything coming out of her mouth, Shit Talking Bitch has The Bellar Effect.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:28:42