

俚语 slay a dragon

Slay a Dragon

The act of release the ultimate black evil from one's anus.
"Dude, I ate way too much food. I gotta go Slay a Dragon."

"Man, I have to Slay a Dragon, that Taco Bell is hitting me the wrong way."

Slaying the Dragon

Having sex with an unattractive woman, most likely brought on by alcohal consumption.
Dave got really drunk last night and ended up slaying the dragon.

Slaying the dragon

1. The act of sleeping with an unattractive girl in a time of need
2. What one must do a lot of on the heroic quest to find one's princess
Matt: they say you have to slay a few dragons before you meet your princess well I've finally found my princess
Pete: dude! did you seriously just talk about slaying the dragon in your wedding speech?

slay the dragon

A euphemism for male masturbation.
I think I'm gonna head home early and slay the dragon.

Slay The Dragon

Having sex with a girl on her period.

When your done you look down at your cock and it looks like you just won an epic battle between you and your bloody mistress.
Sara told her man she wasn't sure if they should be having sex that night since she was on her period. He told her he's up to Slay The Dragon ;)

Slaying The Dragon

When a man has sex with a rather large and unattractive woman who appears to have scales on her body due to stretch marks.
Christian: Hey Dave I heard you were slaying the dragon last night.

Dave: Well you gotta slay a couple of dragons before you get to the princess.

Slay the Dragon

The act of having sex with a fat/ugly/non-attractive woman.
I got too drunk last night. I found some fatty boom-boom. One thing led to another; I decided to slay the Dragon.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:34:11