An idiot, dolt, someone who talks incessantly about things they are completely wrong about.
Wow, that Rachel Maddow is a real slewsie.
Wow, that Rush Limbaugh is a real slewsie.
Wow, that Rush Limbaugh is a real slewsie.
N. Ass crammer; V: The act of ass cramming;
ass cramming anal insertion amused slew amused slewing Hickory Farm cramming king
ass cramming anal insertion amused slew amused slewing Hickory Farm cramming king
I think I must have done a major slewsie last night, it feels like a Mac truck drove through my ass parts.
As long as their are anuses, there will be people slewsing things up there. I slewsed the entire hardback works of Danielle Steele up there last night.
As long as their are anuses, there will be people slewsing things up there. I slewsed the entire hardback works of Danielle Steele up there last night.