

俚语 slg


(a) Simulated Life Game.
1 - SimCity 4 is one of the obvious examples of the widescale SLG (that is, the simulation of several lives on a wide scaled locale,) as are some of the other Sim games from Maxis / EA.
2 - The Princess Maker games are an example of the narrow scale SLG, in which you tend to one simulated life (sometimes more, though not on the scale of the widescale SLGs.) These tend to be more detailed as far as character growth is concerned (details may include habits, mood, state of body, etc.

(b) Social Life Game
A game in which you take control of someone's social life. While The Sims could fall under this category, this definition truly pertains to the ren'ai gaming style (the "love sims" if you may) that include most visual novels and practically every dating sim.
What friggin' example? Okay... The Sims is a great SLG, but all these expansion packs are hurting my wallet!


Short for "Siao Lang Geng", which means Asylum in Hokkien, a Mandarin dialect.

"Siao" means crazy
"Lang" means person/people
Emi: *keeps pushing people down stairs*
Me: "Oi you SJB ah. Someone please send Emi to SLG"

Emi: "Can send me home?"
Me: "Huh you escaped from SLG again ah?"


Short for "small leather goods" in the fashion industry, for example a coin purse, wallet or card holder.
"I don't like their bags but I might get a SLG"


Selective Living Group

A system that, I believe, is unique to Duke University, but similar to houses at some of the more stuffy universities. It's basically a group of awesome people that live together, that's similar to a fraternity or sorority, except co-ed and without any of the stigmas or pledging.
Guy 1: Dude, Which is the best SLG on campus?
Guy 2: Definitely Cooper House. Everybody there is awesome!
Guy 1: But what about Round Tabel?
Guy 2: Ehh, they're okay. Some of them are kinda weird though


Silly Little Girl
your such a SLG when you drink.


Sexy... Little..... Ging
Sweaty... Little.... Ging
Omg he is such a SLG.


Stomach Like Gorilla

This is to say when a woman has a stomach that portrudes further than her breasts. When this happens they suffer from SLG, or Stomach Like Gorilla!
Rosie O'Donnell suffers from SLG




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