

俚语 sliding into the dm's

Sliding into the DM

A direct message, usually private and on a social network such as twitter or Instagram, with the purpose of initiating courtship.
“He slid into mary’s DM even though he is dating Jane”

“She was tired of boys sliding into the dms but never talking to her in person”

Slide into the DM's

When you start a direct message chain on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, with the hopes of acquiring the booty.
Shawn: Bruh, have you seen Aurora's Instagram lately?
Christian: YEAH! I'm about to slide into the DM's on that right now.
Shawn: She won't respond to you.
Christian: Check it.
Shawn: A successful slide.

slide into the dms

When you send a Direct message to someone on twitter confidently and smoothly.
Nash:"Im about to slide into the dms asking for her number!"

Cameron:"Good look with that."

sliding in the dms

When a fuckboy messages you on Twitter trying to get some
Have I told you about that guy that was sliding in the DMs yesterday?

Slide in the Dm

When a guy texts a girl through dm (instagram or twitter) and hooks up
I slide in the dm with katherine

Slide into the Dm's

Adverb: to slide into a text/chat with a girl really really smoothly
Boi imma bout to slide into the dm's

sliding into the dms

Trying to slide into a girls private messages
sliding into the dms is something Gary does to make himself feel better




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:38:18