

俚语 belly boob

belly boobs

when a girl wears a really tight shirt but shes fat so the shirt sort of rolls making her stomach look like another set of boobs
man look at that girls belly boobs why cant she just where clothes that fit

Belly Boob

When someone has a rather large stomach, with an outie belly button, making them appear to have one large belly boob.
Damn, did you see that chick? She had three boobs!

Naw man, that was just her belly boob.

Boob belly

When your Boob touches your belly button from extended times of not using a bra
Damn bro blac china has a boob belly!

Belly Boobs

When someone has abs defined enough,it looks and feel like boobs and since it's on the belly.. BOOM,belly boobs.
Ayoo?! homie hit the gym so hard he finally got d'em belly boobs!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:19:04