

俚语 90's kid's

90's kid

1. Someone whose childhood was significantly influenced by the 1990's.

2. What has become a meaningless term for anyone who remembers their childhood, thanks to overuse by prematurely nostalgic teenagers and young adults.
1. Billy is a prime 90's kid, being born in 1987. His first memories started in 1990 and he became a teenager in 2000.
2. Person 1: "Only 90's kids will remember playgrounds, rock paper scissors, Samurai Jack and hide and seek."
Person 2: "Dude, playgrounds, rock paper scissors and hide and seek still exist. And Samurai Jack isn't even from the 90's."

90's Kid

is the term for a grown man who was born in the late 80's or early-mid 90's who thinks that anything new for kids' programming is not high in quality because they didn't grow up with it or because since they're adults then they have higher standards.
90's Kid: Wow! Adventure Time and T.U.F.F. Puppy suck!
Kid: Why?
90's Kid: Because...because...Because they weren't made in the 90's. That's why!
Kid: You're an idiot.

90's Kid

1. Predominately a term to describe someone who spent a majority of their pre-adolescent childhood in the 1990's. The sweet spot for this definition is people born between the mid-to-late 80's and early 90's. It is often used as a warm, comforting label. This use of the term is also often exploited as a buzz word in clickbait articles, which are written to appeal to the nostalgia of the reader.

2. The term has also more recently been co-opted by slightly younger individuals, and can more broadly be applied to anyone born in the 1990's. (Though people who follow the first definition often disagree with this use of the term.)
1. Greg was born in 1988, and considered himself a real 90's kid. He still has his original Terminator 2 action figures, and used to eat Dunkaroos while watching new episodes of "Batman: The Animated Series" when he was a kid.

2. Steve considered himself a 90's kid because he was born in 1997. Greg did not agree with this, and thought Steve should be considered a "2000's kid," as that's when Steve spent the majority of his childhood.

90's kids

A label that a group of snotty people in their mid twenties to early thirties give themselves because in 2016, Buzzfeed did an onslaught of "oNlY nInEtEeZ kIdZ wIlL rEmEmBuUrR tHiIiIsSsS" listicles, following a trend of them, bragging about "how our generation was so much better" and when trends like "the floor is lava" and fidget spinners came along, an outbreak spread of these jerk-offs bashing "the youths" like they were crochety old people, yelling at them to get off their lawn. Now, in 2018-2019, people have finally picked up on how this behaviour is dumb as hell.
90's kid: Hey James, when were you born?
James: 1997

90's kid: Lol, you're generation sucks, you're not like us 90's kids.
James: Suck a fat one, you Bart Simpson wannabe

90's kid: Hey kid, why do you have a fidget spinner? Lol
Billy: I have ADHD, this helps me to calm down
90's kid: Stupid millennial.
Billy: Your mother never loved you.

90's kid: Hey James, I saw Billy with a fidget spinner, what a loser
James: It helps kids with ADHD and autism calm down, you ignorant prick
90's kid: Lmao James, you're one stupid ass millennial
James: Millennials is basically the same as 90's kids, you cuck

Joe: OMG I love Spongebob Squarepants
90's kid: LOL Joe, I was born in 1989, I grew up with Spongebob
Joe: So?
90's kid: You were born in 2000s, you're too young for Spongebob, STFU
Joe: Kids born in the 2010s are growing up with Spongebob, idiot
90's kid: Yeah but Spongebob started in 1999, it's a real 90's kids show
Joe: That's like calling you an 80's kid because you were born in 1989
90's kid: Yeah..but--
Joe: Shut up arsehole, you're more stuck in the 90's than Sonic the Hedgehog
90's kid: Somebody's JEALOUS they weren't BORN IN THE 90'S
James: You know what? Shut the hell up. You think you're SO COOL, being a pretentious bastard about your "prime era kids shows" when there's plenty of new cartoons coming out that are maybe even better than the 90's stuff. You just refuse to watch it and say you hate it because it wasn't made in your glorious decade. Screw you.

90's kid

a kid born during the early 90's ar late 80's (actually lived through more than 2yrs of this awesome decade0
born in 1990=90's kid

90's kid

people born in the early 90's who like to talk shit about younger generations not knowing shit that happened while they were babies. they tend to aim for hipster life styles and consult their tumblr as often as possible. often make posts on Facebook that relate to their childhoods and how the younger generation shouldn't go to parties and the younger generation is stupid or sad and that they want to die because that post apparently gave them cancer and all that jazz. in all honesty they show them selves to be jealous of the younger generation because they mainly talk shit about how they didn't do what the younger generation do now.
like this if your a 90's kid

only 90's kid's remember this

you were born in 1998, your not a 90's kid

you would know what the 2k scare was if you were a 90's kid

90's kid

A 90's kid is someone who was a kid in the 90's. To determine what a 90's kid is, we have to define "90's" and "kid".

90's - Personally, I consider the 90's period to have been about late 1991 to 2001; if I had to put dates on it, it's July 1, 1991 (the midpoint of 1991) to September 10, 2001 (due to the tragic and massively changing events of the next day), however years as early as 1989 and as late as 2003 can be considered to have 90's influence.

Kid - Not a toddler or a teen; personally, I'd consider a kid age 4 - 12, inclusive, however the "kid" period could start as early as 2 or as late as 14 for some people.

What I would consider a 90's kid would be someone who spent a majority of their kid years in the 90's; ergo, born January 1, 1983 - March 10, 1993. The "perfectly 90's" kid, who spent the entirety of their kid years in the 90's would be born July 1, 1987 - September 11, 1988. However, due to personal experience, someone born outside this range could still be a 90's kid, and someone born inside this range could be an 80's or 00's kid. So if you're born in, say, 1981 or 1994 (or any time between the late 1970s and late 1990s) and consider yourself a 90's kid, have at it. There's also hybrids of two decades and all kinds of other stuff, it's not a hard line.
Person A was born July 17, 1988, obviously a 90's kid.
Person B was born June 4, 1983, they're a 90's kid.
Person C was born December 25, 1992, they're a 90's kid.

Person D was born January 26, 1984, but they consider themselves an 80's kid, they're an 80's kid.
Person E was born August 31, 1992, but they consider themselves a 00's kid, they're an 00's kid.
Person F was born May 2, 1981, but they consider themselves a 90's kid, they're a 90's kid.
Person G was born February 19, 1995, but they consider themselves a 90's kid, they're a 90's kid.
Person H was born December 6, 1973, they're too old to be remotely a 90's kid.
Person I was born March 19, 2002, they're too young to be remotely a 90's kid.




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