

俚语 slugly


a slut that is ugly

an easy girl but really nasty and you're like..wth
That chick is so easy but dam shes ugly...stupid slugly loser


The word to describe a penis that is flaccid and sticking to the balls in an unattractive manner. Usually occurs in hot humid weather.
Matt: Can I see your cock?

Adam: Na man it's hot, my dick is all slugly and shit.


(adj.) -a slut who is fucking ugly and has the mind of a slug.
(noun.) ies- Sluts who are ugly and have minds as slow as slugs.
Rachel is such a slugly.
Wow , they're such sluglies.


Used to describe a person who is slug-ugly.
Guy 1: DUDE! Have you seen that girl!?
Guy 2: Yeahh, I know, she's slugly isn't she..


Usually referred to as slutty and ugly
Name given usually to a female who is ugly but gets around (sleeps with lots of people)
"Ey u seen tha bird Tay funcks?"
"Ye she's so slugly"

slugly fut

A slut that's so ugly it hurts your eyes just looking at her!!

Dana: That bitch is a slugly fut!
Meggie: Fo rizzle she's fugnasty!


A 3/10 devoid of personality.
She is Slugly




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