

俚语 slushed


Drunk on wine, especially wine slush but any sort of wine. A bit beyond tipsy, but not inebriated.
Dude, your mom is hitting on me.
Sorry, my dad's a geezer and she's slushed on box wine.


Meaning ..Mad,pissed off,annoyed with ,agrivated,bummed out
Comming from .wheat socks in boots slushing around . its the most anoying thing in the world ruens your day pisses you off and is anoying as hell
your girl friend "slushed" me all day man!
This shirt is so slushed!



a new synonym for slowly or not fast
Taehyung: hey can you speak more slush?
Jungkook: slush?
Taehyung: slowly..

to slush

An infinitive verb that describes the action of going to a fast food restaurant and ordering nothing but a slushie concoction. The best is if you can get the slushies at half price.
"Hey! Do you want to slush with us? It's half price drinks at Sonic today."


Slush (pronounced sl oo sh) = SLO + Kush
Name for marijuana that is smoked in San Luis Obispo, California. Most commonly smoked by Cal Poly students. Very potent weed that will get you really, really high.
Bruce, stop being selfish and let me hit that slush!


The act of rotating your penis inside a girl once you have ejaculated, enthusiastically, until once again erect, and repeat.

Derives from the act of mixing slush puppies with a straw to mix the flavour.
Slushing is messy!

If you don't shut up, I'm going to slush your mum all night long.


The act of walking slowly and bobbing side to side with your feet pointed outward while shaking a slushie cup in order to make sure it is mixed. Must have earbuds over each ear and you must dap every person you see in the hallway. Do this when coming back to class from lunch.
Guy 1 (Slushie Walking): *Daps 10 homies* Yo what's good Mr. Smith?

Mr. Smith (Psychology Teacher): You're late to class again. Stop slushing and get a move-on.




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