

俚语 smack cum

Smack Cum

When your fucking a girl, and you urgently pull out and cum on your hand, and smack the shit out of her while yelling “SMACK CAM”
Person 1: did you end up doing anything with that girl last night

Person 2: yeah I tried the Smack Cum on her... I don’t think we are gonna go on another date

Cum smack

The act of a man jizzing in his hand and smacking a girl so hard that your hand sticks to her face and her face turns beat red, and covered in cock butter
Dude that bitch cheated on you. She deserves to get cum smacked.


The moment when you are balls-deep and at the last second, you pull out, jizz into your hand, and slap her across the face with it.
She is totally into cum-smacking when she has a drink or two.
She asked me to be rough, so I cum-smacked her.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:48:15