S-mail is like e-mail, but there is no body, and the entire message is conveyed using only the subject line.
Usually practiced using mobile devices (Blackbery, etc)
Usually practiced using mobile devices (Blackbery, etc)
here's an example of a typical S-MAIL converstaion.
From: Johnny
To: Mary
Subject: Want to hit McDonald's for lunch?
From: Mary
To: Johnny
Subject: Sure, what time do you want to go?
From: Johnny
To: Mary
Subject: Let's go at 1:00
From: Johnny
To: Mary
Subject: Want to hit McDonald's for lunch?
From: Mary
To: Johnny
Subject: Sure, what time do you want to go?
From: Johnny
To: Mary
Subject: Let's go at 1:00
Abbreviation of Snail Mail, referring to postal mail delivered by angry men in blue shorts.
“I got an extra print of that roller coaster snapshot, want it?”
“What's your S-mail?”
“What's your S-mail?”