

俚语 smallwood


A cool guy with a noble yet unfortunately ridiculed (especially during the middle school years) surname. This cool guy, mind you, kept a list of all of those punk-ass kids. Warning: the dragon sleeps, but his slumber can be easily awakened...his wrath will be indescribable.
Joe: Hey, do you know Smallwood?
Jeff: Yeah, he's a cool cat!


Truly one of the worlds legends, a heroic figure currently residing in Edinburgh (for the yanks amongst u, edinburgh is the capital of scotland, and no scotland is not a part of england, its a separate country!).
Person 1: hey, who's that hero over there?
Person 2: u serious?
person 1: yeah, he looks awesome!
person 3: dude, thats smallwood! he saves babies in his spare time
crowd: {collective sigh in awe}


a guy in your high school who wants to rule the world.
dude, your such a smallwood.


A man with an exceptionally undersized penis
I need something bigger than that smallwood that you are packing

smallwood steamroller

A sexual act of ejaculating on a person's face, then rolling your flacid penis, hence small wood, across said person's face.
I hooked up with a girl in Kentucky and totally gave her a smallwood steamroller.

Ethan smallwood

A Huge nerd that will always recommend windows 10 instead of windows 11. He is very annoying and will express his believes to you no matter what situation. If you say anything about your pc then he will start talking about how insane his is and how he payed 5,000 dollar for the same computer.
Ethan Smallwood is stupid.

Karl Smallwood

A guy from YouTube who makes informative videos and has an Amazing sense of humor and loves to drink in his video. He never forgets a cool scene from any Movie or series. EVER!
Kevin: hey have you heard of Karl Smallwood.
Jack: yes, he is very informative and funny.




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