A unique name. Smarlyn is one of the best people you'll ever meet. She is kind, sweet, supports you in anything you do and is always there to help no matter what. She will never give up on you even if you tell her to, she will not prevail until she has won. A pure, kind-hearted soul and very passionate about helping others. Her smile is more than likely contagious and she never let's you down. Despite whatever they might be going through they always keep themselves together and continue to smile. She has by far one of the best personalities out there. The definition of a kind and loving person. If you have the extreme lucky chance to meet one. You better keep her in your fucking life, and the people that hate her, I hope they stub their toe at night. Overall Smarlyn is one of the best people you'll ever meet
Smarlyn is an amazing person
Smarlyn is someone with an attitude and say she doesn't. You can tell she's a bit narcissistic on the way she texts and the emojis she uses. Ong she a bitch like I'd smack the shit out of her. Oh and be careful texting her as you can either get a quick response or never hear from her again, until you reply to her story insulting her or complimenting her. She a sassy mf and sarcastic too, a bit too much tbh but as long as you can deal with her ass(like me, sigh) you're good. Either way she a bad bitch and it'd be surprising if she got a bf
Smarlyn fr a bitch ass