

俚语 smashing blumpkins

Smashing Blumpkin

After receiving a fine blumpkin from your partner, make them bite their teeth on the toilet rim and then stomp on the back of their head with your foot.
"Man, I tried out a smashing blumpkin with this skank last night and she lost her mind at the prospect of this innovation."

Smashing Blumpkin

A blumpkin of great magnitude.

Or could be yelled in state of shock, simular to saying "Holy Shit!" or "Oh, Fuck!"
Brit Accent Guy: "That blumpkin was smashing!"

Pirate: "Aye, Smashing Blumpkin i'twas sir."

Smashing Blumpkin

After receiving a Blumpkin (fellatio while defecating on the toilet), proceeding to place the lucky lady's head on the seat and smashing the lid on her.
I had the worst blumpkin ever. She didn't even swallow the goop. I had to make it a smashing blumpkin to remind her to take her protein next time.

Smashing Blumpkins

When, in bed, you and a partner (male or female) 69 and simultaneously shit.
Prove your love is true by performing the Smashing Blumpkins.

Smashing blumpkin

The act of mouth humping a judy whilst taking a dookie.
I was taking a mondo poo and my boo thang was all horny like, "Me so horny, me love long time." So, I had no choice but to give her a smashing blumpkin.

smashing blumpkin

taking a shit on the floor as u receive head from a really fat disgusting girl
"I just had the ill smashing blumpkin last nite with that huge bitch"

Leffe Blumpkin Smash Up

The art of downing several pints of Leffe whilst receiving a Blumpkin in the company of friends.

As mastered by the product control massive (T.C)
Out on the smash and offered a blumpkin i couldn't refuse so it turned into a Leffe Blumpkin Smash Up




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