

俚语 smeagling


To not shower for days after sexual intercourse or a sporting activity and therefore lounge around in your cess pit of a body.
Dude i banged emma so hard the other night but i still haven't showered. Decided to just smeagling around for a bit.


to obtain something in a sneaky or underhanded manner.
Even though I wasn't invited, I smeagled my way into the party.


1. The act of becoming or being extremely intoxicated.
I had a long week, all I want is to go out and get smeagled.

Last night was fun, Debbie was so smeagled she was tripping over herself!!


The hot new way to refer to a heroin junkie that is doing something dastardly
“oh my god, that smeagle just stuffed a pack of chicken breasts down it’s pants in the middle of Walmart!!! Someone do something?!”


Smeagled v.
To be cornered and accosted by someone bearing a remarkable resemblance to the character Smeagle in the book Lord of the Rings.
While attempting to leave the office Stacey was smeagled by her boss Maureen.


The act of getting a blumpkin whilst watching Lord of the Rings.
wow, that chick was such a slut that she gave me a smeagle


The act of shoving a pen, floor hockey stick, or just anything with a pointy end up someones ass when they are bending down. This dirty act can be seen while witnessing a Harney Beating.
Hey Joeseph is bending over, smeagle him until he cries.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:49:35