

俚语 smelling cap

smelling cap

When someone is lying so bad that you can smell it
Jordunk35 is smelling cap

i smell cap

I smell cap basically means you know someone’s lying. This comes from the saying no cap, which means “no lie” or “for real”.
Girl: “I promise I’m not sleeping with anyone.” Guy: “I smell cap.”

I smell cap

I sense a lie
1. Danny said he fucked ms.Richards
2. I smell cap Danny would never fuck a female he’s gay

i smell cap

When you can tell a nigga cappin, ie exaggerating or lying. A whiff of cap is like a strong wet fart, you aint gonna miss it.
I smell cap nigga, you cappin!!!

i smell cap

When you detect that someone is a liar.
Friend: Did you go water sporting with Jessica last night?
Me: No.
Friend: I smell cap.

I smell cap

When you think that someone is bluffing is about a certain thing they say they're about to do
For example that nibba Jaylin said he was gonna cuff someone but I told him I smell cap from him

I smell cap

When you know somebody is lying but you don’t actually want to say they are to prevent getting beat up
Brian: I heard Lisa’s boobies got bigger

Jack: I smell cap




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:35:30