

俚语 smith cocktail

Smith Cocktail

Developed at Smith College, an all-female institution, the smith cocktail is a cocktail that, unbeknown to the male receiver, contains both an erectile assistant and a sedative. When properly administered the smith cocktail effectively negates both the risk of rejection and of awkward morning after scenarios.
smithee 1: "that one guy at our party sure is cute, too bad he's gay"
smithee 2: "we'll see about that; I've got a smith cocktail with his name on it"
smithee 1: "can I have him when you're done? I haven't seen a penis in months"
smithee 2: "sure! but you've got to drag him to your room yourself"

Jeff Smith Cocktail

When one blows a steaming hot bowl of diarrhea onto another's face. The victim is usually asleep or passed out.
"OH MAN! Last night, Timmy was so drunk he passed out, so I gave him a Jeff Smith Cocktail!"

"Baby, i'm having trouble getting it up tonight. Would you mind giving me a Jeff Smith Cocktail to help me get aroused more quickly?"




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