

俚语 smoke the meats

Smoke the meats

Smoking the meats is when you have to shit but you still fart but don’t pass it.
No matter how much fiber I get, I can’t seem to do more than smoke the meats

I have your hot lunch coming after drop some bbq on this brisket and smoke the meats awhile .

smoke the meat pipe

Slang term meaning to "suck dick".
Richard Simmons really likes to smoke the meat pipe.

smoke my meat

A variation of the phrase "smoke my cock".

1. A phrase used to express extreme disgust

2. Something a whore likes to do for under 20 bucks.

3. Something you should be doing if you're a complete asshole.
If my boss thinks I'm going to clean up his shit he can smoke my fuckin' meat.

That bitch smokes the meat for a free meal.

You guys are total dicks so go ahead and smoke my meat.

Smoke a meat cigar

To suck someones dick.
I saw that queer smoke a meat cigar.

smoke meat

A tiny penis
Small cock
That kid Dustin has a smoke meat.

smoke meat

When The lips of a vagina are particularly large, looking like a slab of Schwartz's smoked meat.
"I heard that Massé's girl has the worst smoke meat on the shore."

smoking meat

To jerk off ya homie dry while wearing a disposable rubber glove until it burns off a majority of the skin and the result is pink "meat". then you give him a blowjob, so youre "smoking" it.
No homo man, but can you smoke my meat?

Im not gay, but i like smoking meat.




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