

俚语 smoking bitch

Smoking Bitch

Someone who smokes marijuana regularly, whether on the daily or more often than not.
Wow, Robert has really become a smoking bitch lately. He smokes weed almost every day!

smoke bitch

One who has smoked himself retarted off marijuana and is thus incapeable of preforming in every day social situations.
Poindexter was a little smoke bitch last night.

Sorry man, I don't remember much about your wedding. I was huge smoke bitch that day.

smoke a bitch

When one take a girls legs smokes on the legs and lights her head on fire to get the juices going
Damn I need to smoke a bitch

smoked like a bitch

To get completely destroyed by the underdog. A higher level of being pwned
Hey did you see Fred racing Bob, the captain of the cross country team?

Yeah man, Bob got smoked like a bitch

roll you like a philly blunt and smoke your bitch ass

To significantly harm and/or manipulate someone, and then shoot them, usually with the intent to kill.
The Crip threatened the Blood that he would "roll you like a philly blunt and smoke your bitch ass!"

Smoke Bitch

Person who always ends up filling on smokes.
Matt Smoke Bitch, pick.

Smoke that Bitch

when you want to beat the shit out of someone
Person 1: Someone is spreading rumours about u.

Person 2: yo imma smoke that bitch




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:46:13