

俚语 smoofied


Smoofy is a combonation of three words.
1. Spiffy
2. Moose
3. Goofy
It is meant to Exclaim something as awesome, but also as silly, and if you can think of a way to use this word in said context it can also make things mean moose.
"Well thats smoofy"
*sees a shiny object* "Oooohhh, Smoofy!"


the ultimate in cool; awesome
That girl is soooooo smoofy!

This word was created in 1990 in Meridian, MS to express a deeper level of coolness and awesomeness.


"Smoofie" is a term of endearment shared among awesomely cool, genuinely nice people. The term is intended to convey respect and affectionate regard, particularly among colleagues who work closely with one-another in a small business. It's a bit silly, but sweetly intended.
In a daily newsletter or blog, for example, the greeting is: "Good Morning, smoofies..."

Or when directly addressing a colleague, you might say, "Hey, smoofie...'sup?"

Please note: this word and its unique spelling is only to be positively construed. Similar words/definitions are not the same.


no definition
"Dude. Smoofy."


Another word for smoothie
Dude, I wanna drink a smoofie so bad


Smoofy is a term for when you suck on a bad bitches poopyhole
"I Smoofy'd dis bitch" -Some random fucker named John


adj: Expresses an extraneous scent of the abnormal bodily fluids.
adj: Expresses an extravagant amount of bowel blockage released and inhaled
yo bro! jimmy let out the most smoofy bomb I've ever smelt. It was straight nursty!




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