

俚语 benchin


A person with the ability to bench weights that far exceed the everyday gym beast. Does not require any warm-up or nutrition to aid the benching ability.

They strike fear into mere mortals with their insane GAINS!
Did you see joe groves bench??? Seriously man, he is the Benchinator!!

Sach: Hey Benchinator.....how much weight can you lift?
Benchinator: All of them....

Benchin' pukki

Shitting yourself so hard that your eyes pop out of your head
Man we ate well last night, you should have seen Paul's face when the bill came out though, we agreed we would split and boy he was benchin' pukki


The act of lifting extreme weights often in a basement setting
Q: Where’s Rosey? A: He’s benchin’




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:52:25