

俚语 smoting


what God does when you judge people.

future tense of smote
i'll ask God to forgive you instead of smoting you.


the past tense of smite so y'all can stop saying smited
"do you remember what happened to kevin"
"ya daisy smote him"


When someone licks the ass hole and up to and including the balls and back repeatedly.
Guy: "Dude, my girlfriend smote the shit out of me last night!"

Guy's friend: "Man that bitch is fucked up!"


To be 'burned' or dissed. Usually used in the past tense. Usually used for extreme cases of smiting...
"OOHHH! You just got SMOTED!"


The past tense of smite; that being, the act of hitting something with extreme force. Also has connotations with divine force and incredible power.
And they returned, and came to Enmishpat, which is Kadesh, and smote all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites, that dwelt in Hazezontamar.
Genesis 14:7, King James Bible


Actually, this is a real word!
Smote is the past tense of thew word Smite.
Trogdor is going to smite the Kerrek!
Yay! Trogdor smote the Kerrek!


In mario kart 64, the act of running over a bomb when equipped with a star while playing battle mode with three or more players. The bomb then disappears and the screen stands still, leaving that player in horrible shame and barring them from further play. While the screen stands still, the smoter has the opportunity to perform the "star dance."
Jafari: Aw, I'm a bomb. I'm gonna get you.
Dave: (gets star and runs over Jafari) In your face!
Eric and Louis: Damn, you got smoted, Jafari!!!
(Jafari sets down his controller and hangs his head in shame.)




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