A child genius
Smou is here.
A 'Smous' is someone that can buy and sell anything to anyone at a profit.
A 'Smous' is also the authors of , they are funny, awsome and generally the life of the party.
'Smous' is the best Afrikaans Blog in the world !
A 'Smous' is also the authors of , they are funny, awsome and generally the life of the party.
'Smous' is the best Afrikaans Blog in the world !
The 'Wilde Smous' and 'Mal Smous' took over the party again!
Geez, the 'Wilde Smous' drinks like a pro!
One day when I grow up, I wanna be as cool as the 'Smous'.
Geez, the 'Wilde Smous' drinks like a pro!
One day when I grow up, I wanna be as cool as the 'Smous'.