

俚语 snails


A slow person
Person: Carl is such a snail! He can’t keep up with us


When someone pretends to give you a fist bump but at the last moment goes under and sticks out two fingers, making a snail. One person's fist is the shell and other person's hand makes up the body, with the fingers as the eye stalks.
Trying to snail Maya, Jay accidentally poked her left breast instead.


A mix of snow, rain and hail.
Man, I just got caught in a snail storm. Totally bogus!


To eat out a pussy then leaving left over vaginal mucus, a girl will rub her pussy along your body leaving a trail of "slime" similar to a snail.
BRO- my girlfriend did the snail on me last night it was totally tubular

chick- omg id totally snail brad pitt


An attractive girl who is interested in having sex at any given time. A hot version of a skank.

Reason: Girls get wet and leave snail trails... ie: they are "snails."
"jonny you need to get to this party asap, it's crawling with snails"

"man you should've seen this snail. she gave me a throbbing blue steel the cat wouldn't scratch. i was about to fold her in half squishy side out right there at the library."


Fucking at a very slow pace, e.g, slowly nailing someone.
She's so fine, I'd love to snail her tonight!


A basic plain looking girl, mostly residing in a hoodie with no makeup on.
Plain Jane, she lacks in features, Snail




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:05:09