

俚语 snapstreak

Snap Streaks

a completely fucking utterly useless thing where when you and a friend snap each other every 24 hours or else the time would run out and the streak would end, most people like to draw an “s” and send it to everybody on their friends list (not very many friends considering they send snap streaks)
Mom: “David, why does Avery keep sending me an ‘s’?”

Dad: “Awh, shit. Our son is trying to start a snap streak?! I’ll grab the shotgun and blow this motherfucker’s head off”

Mom:”A snap streak, that sounds incredibly worthless! Yeah, go ahead and yolk that fuckface!”

Dad: “Did you just say... ‘yolk’..? *aims shotgun at her head* I’m sorry honey.”

Mom: “P-please! It was just an expression!

*kid walks in wearing sleeveless sweater*

Dad: *aims gun at kid and pulls the trigger blasting the shit out of his head* “OH NO THE FUCK YOU DONT!”

snap streaks are dumb

snap streak

The act of continuously snapping Someone for a long frequent time til the numbers show up. If you don't snap the person back within 24 hours the snap streak dies
Snap streak?
Nah fam I heard you can't keep a snap streak

Tell me why me and Johns went up to 100 until he didn't snap me back

snap streak

When you send a numerous amount of pictures or messages to one on snapchat. Eventually a number will apear on their name. To maintain the streak you have to snapchat eachother everyday.
Whoa dude our snap streak is at 87, YEAH👌🏼💪🏽.

snap streak

The amount of times texting back and forth with a person on snapchat.
I had the biggest snap streak with Tyler today.

snap streak

When you talk to someone on snapchat by sending pictures one after the other not using chat
Hey b , let's do a snap streak 😏

Snap Streak

The most pure form of art in which you streak through your Snapchat contacts with pride until you are abruptly tackled by a huge steward/security member known as getting reported by a number of your contacts for rude and inappropriate content and having your account banned from any further Snaps that season or indefinitely.
"yo dude did you see that Snap Streak last week.....sooo crazy"
"ye i saw that grotesque dick pic he sent"

snap streak

A nude picture from a person on snapchat
I got a snap streak from Emma yesterday




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:29:06