

俚语 snickered


The sexual act of, making another man shit and cum at the same time through anal sex
Nathan snickered me last night


When you take a massive shit and then shove it up someone else's ass.
Damn, James fell asleep last night, so we snickered his ass!


The act of punching, preferably a Guidette, directly in the face after an insult directed toward ones lack of guido attributes. Also see Snookied
That bitch just got snickered after she told Mikey D that his fake tan was so cheap he must have gotten it from the Dollar Store.


to laugh evily at somones misfortune
todd " dude, the stormtrooper, he's been flambunted, and tossed out on the sidewalk"

CJ *snickers*


a candy bar made of peanuts, caramel and chocolate
hungry? grab a snickers


A candy bar that has argueably the greatest/funniest commercials known to man.
Guy 1-Did you see that Snickers comercial during the superbowl?

Guy 2- Yeah but that isn't as good as the Happy peanut song one


1. A snide, slightly stifled laugh.

2.(adjective) looking kinda good, sexy (see example below)

As heard in Lost S04E06 15min:
"So Juliette, what do you think of Ben?"
"He's great. Very smart, and intense, challenging. He's been really good to me."
"Of course he has, you look just snicker."




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