

俚语 snipes


Very attractive girl, usually used by hockey players from the north.
boys! Boys! Look at all the fuckin snipes out tonight


To bid on an eBay auction minutes before it ends, hoping that others will not be able to place a higher bid in time.
Damn! I thought I won that item, but somebody sniped it!


a cigarette that you find (usually on the ground or in an ashtray) which can be a butt, half smoked, or in extremely rare cases brand new. If you bum it from somebody or buy it then it is not truly a snipe. Most of the time when you see a snipe from a distance it appears to be up to smoking standards. Only upon close inspection may you determine the smokability of the snipe. It takes true skill to be an effective sniper.
katy: Ooo, snipe!
steven: Sick i would never smoke that. You're gonna get herpes you dirty scag.
katy: So what i really need a cigarette!
steven: You're a fucking fiend.

Erin: John, let me get a ciggy.
John: I'm all out, but i seen some pretty good snipes in the ashtray at the gas station.

Kane: Damn, it looked like a perfect snipe at first, but it was all wet, and somebody stepped on it.


To take a picture of an unsuspecting individual. Oftentimes pictures of funny-looking strangers.
"Kate, that guy's hat is so ridiculous, good thing I just sniped him"


verb: To have a one night stand with. Also known as a one hitter quitter.
1) E: Randy said he was going to snipe that chick he met tonight.


2) A: Why haven't you called me back since that night?

R: Get sniped bitch.


A cigarette found in an ashtray with just enough tobacco left to smoke
Smoking snipes all night long downtown


A snipe is somebody that takes something of limited availability away from you when you have implicitly staked a first preference to it.
Oh my god shes such a snipe! She sniped my job by calling and applying before I had the chance to!!




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