

俚语 snippyro


SnippyRO, is someone who has a good sense of memes, and street talk. He knows how to do many things, but sometimes lacks when communicating with adults. At times, it's hard to tell if he is being serious or not, it takes random sounds to decipher if yes or no for clarification.

Usually tech savvy, he's good with helping people in tech support, such as if a computer needs to be fixed, he will do his best to help. He doesn't just always helps others, he sometimes can be destructive. A tech savvy kid knows the bad side of the internet, and use this to harm people to websites, to even games.

In terms of friendship, he's quite average. Not too sassy, but definitely tries to stand as the highest. He at times have problems with promises, not being true to one another, mostly revolving around money. He may try to scam close companions and commoners, but has the golden thumb that he will repay them at one point in time. He will at one point, will try to push you to do tasks for him, usually with promises of a reward revolving around money, mostly in the physical category.

Overall, he's still a good person to be with, but some things about his character will have to grow on you, or gonna have to teach him to do what you want him to do, to proceed the friendship.

(This post is not written to harras anyone under the name SnippyRO.)
"I think you need to do this, then that. I'm pretty sure that's how you can fix the problem, but I'm also not sure if its going to work." -snippyro

"Yeah..." (Said in a metallic manner)

"No, I'm being serious, you need to be __________, ok?

"C'mon man, you don't have to do me like that!"

"Trust me please, later in life I will give all what you owe back to you."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 21:20:34