

俚语 snitch


in the criminal sense a snitch will provide information to the police or feds in order to obtain lenient treatment for themselves and provide information over an extended period of time in return for money or for police to overlook their own criminal activities. Quite often someone will become an informant following their arrest.
a snitch is not the innocent person who has a serial killer living next door so he tells the police to get the trash out the community. a snitch is one who is slanging dope or doing some other wrong doing and gets caught but instead of taking their punishment like a man they tell the authorities info on other criminals so they can get off scott free or reduce their own punishment. that is a snitch!


1. A person who tells on someone.
2. A bum of a person.
Check out these snitch-ass muthafuckas right here...


Someone who gives up incriminating evidence to people they have no business talking to in the first place. Some snitch because they need attention others snitch because they are scared.
97sirhb: Hey josh, did you know black ops is going to leak?

Josh: No! tell me right now who is involved and where to

find them!

97sirhb: His name is ungodly and Computer healer. I just thought you would want to know they are going to pirate black ops.

Josh: Thanks! For your snitching on your friends and the entire community I will reward you with a mustache ride and a remote control car.

97sirhb: 1337!! I am so CooL!


one who tells or tattles and gets you in trouble
maymay snitches on terixy for having beer


A person who feels the need to rat others out in order to save their own skin. They are liars and tend to start conflicts between people and groups.
A snitch is the lowest form of life


1. Someone who freely gives up information about a friend or acquaintance to a higher authority who will use that information against said friend/acquaintance.

2. A-Mart
Cop: Who's tailgate is this?
A-Mart: It's Bret's tailgate (point finger directly at Bret)!

Innocent Bystander: A-Mart you ass-clown snitch!


someone who rats people out or tells on them

also see 50 cent
Yesterday that snitch billy told veronica that i was talking shit about her.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 16:58:37