stands for "Shit nigga, nigga shittttt."
"i lost my phone"
"snns man, snns"
"snns man, snns"
Side Nigga Nation
That's why you ain't her main nigga you with that snn
The snorting noise you make through your nose when you see something funny on the interent but not quite as funny as lol
I just fell over and really hurt my knee, snn
I just done a skid on my bike snn
I just done a skid on my bike snn
Acronym for Serious Nigga Napps
A term describing what a black person's hair becomes if they haven't straighened it in a while. The curly, hard to run a comb through hair.
A term describing what a black person's hair becomes if they haven't straighened it in a while. The curly, hard to run a comb through hair.
Send that girl to a hairdresser. She has SNN.