

俚语 snowhoe

Snow Hoe

Much like a Snow Angel; but when the girl lays on her back in the snow, she does nothing.
When we had sex, she just laid on her back motionless, like a Snow Hoe.

Snow Hoe

A white woman who involves herself romantically almost exclusively with black men and/or men who strongly believe they're black (see wiggers)
Person 1- You and Tiffany should get together, you'd make a great couple!
Person 2- I agree, we like the same things etc. but she's a total Snow Hoe
Person 1- Oh, well you can work on your tan and start listening to Rap...

Snow Hoe

A white person usually a girl who is sluttish, that strings on guys till she find a new boy toy. Mainly a bitch haha
That chicks such a snow hoe, look how shes shamelessly hitting on 2 guys at the same time!

or for when you just want to use it for fun,

You little snow hoe!

snow hoe

A derogatory term describing a white woman, usually poor, who is sexually involed with a black man, especially one who prefers white women. Term not intended for respectable, economically self-sufficient mixed race couples.
That cracker is a snow hoe bee-otch.

Snow hoe

A bitch who will do anything for powdered cocaine.
That guy's got a ton of money, and even more drugs, but the only bitches he can get are snow hoes. They'll leave as soon as he runs out of coke.


1. A woman who sells her body for cocaine.

2. A white woman married to a black man.

3. A white prostitute
Dude, that chick is a snow-hoe!

(Scary Movie 3) Don't call me no snow-hoe!

snow hoe

A girl who is wearing slutty clothing in the middle of winter. Mainly found in Canada
(In Canada during December)

Girl #1: "look at that girl over there. she barely has any clothes on"

Girl #2: "wow, what a snow hoe!"




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