

俚语 snowy :)

snowy :)

The big penis motherfucker in your game. He is so good at every game. He even touches grass and has a life, unbelievable right? He gets all the bitches. You can't run or hide, he will shit on your ass in any game. So hard you will uninstall the game so fast.
(girl) Omg look at snowy :) , his so hot he is so good at every game and he has a big penis.
(girl 2) yeah, i wanna fuck him so bad, his just my dream guy.


A faithful friend who is always there if you need a shoulder to cry on. Snowy's are fun to be around and although they seen insensitive, they have a heart of gold. They have a knack for catching onto innuendos and can make friends by just clicking their fingers.
Person 1: Oh my god, Snowy is awesome, she bought me tickets to the latest Little Mix concert!

Person 2: I KNOW RIGHT?! She got me an iced tea yesterday.
Person 3: Wat's iced tea?


A psychopat pyro
Rainy: "who dat?"
Kesken: "Snowy"
Rainy: "Well we are all gonna die in friendly-fire..."


snowy is the best person you will ever meat. she is also the best girl friend in the world. she doesnt get mad easy and she is very loving.
I love snowy.


Tintin's small white dog which he loves dearly, his enemys threaten it as it is tintin's only weakness
Bad guy: 'How would u like it if me and my mate spit-roasted snowy?'

Tintin: 'Do ya wanna go you?'
Bad Guy : 'ye do ya want ya dogs skull fuckin?'

Bad guy : 'Tell tintin i've just fucked his dog'


adj., one who does coke.
that girl is messing up her life. she's still snowy.


Egotistical megalomaniac pyschotic manipulative and evil.
Quite possibly the spawn of Satan, or even the dark one him/herself.
May be related to the Bush family.
Has the appearance of a genetically flawed lumpfish.
Has serious mental and weight gain issues.
Possibly suffers from CJD.
Eats grass.
Christ, that snowy is a asshole.
Yeah, we know.
Can we kill her?
Nah - no bullets big enough for that tub o' lard.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:58:09