

俚语 snt


SNT: Social Network Telepathy.

When posting on a forum using very little information and still getting your point across. Often used when the "poster" decideds the subject has too many details to describe or possibly forgets everything but the actual event. The recipiant always catches the reference or the point of the post.

Very similar to telepathy but through a Social Network...
Person #1: Hey, Beck! Remember that time when I came to your house and that one thing happened? yeah, lets do that again.
Person #2: Oh yes!! that was so much fun, how's friday?
#1: Perfect, wow you cought on really quickly!
#2: Yeah, i've perfected SNT


An Acronym for Saturday Night Thread, a blog thread posted on the web site x-entertainment.com for the visitors to discuss matters of their own choosing.
Happy SNT, what's everyone doing tonight?


an acronym standing for "so not that/this serious." usually used in text messaging or instant messaging. sometime used in speech by the "omg, brb, g2g, ttyl" crowd
friend 1: that taxi almost hit me!!!
friend 2: this is new york... snts


who knows 🤷 ♂️
sntchris reps snt but what that mean? Saint? Snatch? Snot? Maybe time will tell !


SnT is the Acronym of Slap And Tickle. A Short way of saying Slap N' Tickle, Which is a term used for a sexual act or foreplay.

SnT is a name of a world wide online gaming clan that is slamming the clash world lead by Clamston, Master Blaster and some help from Juicy Plums aka Swagga.
The coach is having a bit of snt with the missus.
I fancy a bit of snt tonight..
After a full blown hucklebuck we proceeded to some SnT.

SNT (Side N¡99a Treatment)

SNT (Side N¡99a Treatment) Is:
When your significant other does not make you their priority. Their actions show that your relationship is not as serious to them as they claim. When they choose to give more focus on all other this except their significant other.
Me- Hey I texted and called you to see if you wanted to get lunch together on my break. What happened?
Her- Oh yeah, I’m sorry babe I forgot to hit you back. Sorry.
Me- You always do this I’m never a priority you always give me the SNT (Side N¡99a Treatment).




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:27:38