

俚语 snuke


A suitcase nuke designed to fit in a woman's snizz
It appears that terrorists have snuck a snuke up your snizz.


A suitcase nuclear device which is designed to be hidden in a woman's snizz
"Miss Clinton it appears that terrorists have snuck a snuke up your snizz"


A suitcase nuke that fits inside a woman's snizz or snatch. It is short for either "snatch nuke" or "snizz nuke". The term was first used in the South Park episode "The Snuke". The snuke was located in Hillary Clinton's vagina.
CIA Agent: "Hillary Clinton has a suitcase nuke in her sniz."
Cartman: "A snuke?"
CIA Agent: "Yeah."


a brief-case nuclear device, modified to fit in a womans snatch, to be sef off via remote.
Recently on on South Park, Hillary Clinton was found to have a snuke in her snatch


Suitcase nuke. Small enough to fit in a very wide gap.
There's a snuke in Hil-Dog's snatch.


When you either accidentally or deliberately to be ironic type "smile" with your right hand on the wrong keys.

Originated in text-based MUDs in the 90s where users would type commands into the console to "emote."
Example 1.

Person 1: I love you so much, dearest.
Person 2: Sweet! *SNUKE*

Example 2.

"say I just slayed that level 50 dragon!"
You say: I just slayed that level 50 dragon!

"Hrothgar: snuke"
Hrothgar tries to type "smile" but his hands are on the wrong keys!


a person who snoozes and loses. convenient if their name is luke
“shut up snuke!” “snuke where is your g spot?”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:47:11