

俚语 snurped


When you sneeze and burp simultaneously.
Guy 1: hachOOO.
Guy 2: What was that man.
Guy 1: Aww I just snurped.
Guy 2: What the heck is that?
Guy 1: You know when you are in the middle of sneezing and you burp.Come on dude.


To mock someone, primarily through a mix of word play and/or misdirection.
Man 1: I convinced Steve the police sirens by his house were because his mom died.
Man 2: Oh shit! You really snurp't him!


A snurp is when you burp and sneeze at the same time. Also known as a bneeze, snurps usually have a lag time between the burp and the sneeze (in any order). If really well timed, a snurp can be deadly and can make you throw up your innards. A mass snurp can end civilizations.
Chris does have the ability to produce synchronous snurps.

"By Jove", Dr. Smellford exclaimed," So it is a mass snurp which destroyed Atlantis!"


A mix of a burp and a sneeze
You: I have a cold
Friend: here's some gingerale
You: snurp!!!!!


When you sneeze a burp at the same time, and in doing so its hurts like hell.
Ben had to sneeze and when he did he burped, and I said hey good snurp, and he said OUCH.


A snurp is when you sneeze and burp at the same time, resulting in a semi- juicy sneeze.
Sarah: Ew, did you hear Kyle make that weird sound?

Maxine: Yeah, i think it was a snurp...


When you sneeze and burp at the same time. Often both painful and embarrassing.
Liz was snnezing when she burped as well. She turned to her friends and said, " I think i just Snurped."




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