

俚语 so-and-so's

so and so

Can be any person. Said when you dont know his or her name or you would rather not say the person's name.
Richie said that he ran into so and so and thats how the whole issue got started.

so and so

1. Roughly equivalent of "oh what's his face."
2. an undesirable, as in "you no-good little so and so..."
Person A - I told the same thing to, oh, so and so...
Person B - You did? You no good little so and so!!!!!!!!!!


General referral to an unnamed person
The rumour has it that so-and-so is a definite no-no.

so and so

A member of the Teen Girl Squad.
What's her face: So and so, you look tight. w00t!

So and So

Name for which a snooty British man will call one of his fellow gentlemen.
-Ah so the bi-annual fox hunt was quite the success Lord Remus,

-Ohh Sir Chives, you little So and So!

so and so

marijuana, or under the influence of marijuana, or just generally stupid or marijuana-like.
man, you so and so.

so far, so good

1.All is going well so far.

We are half finished with our project. So far, so good. The operation is proceeding quite nicely—so far, so good.

2.(Spoken)At this stage of the process it is satisfactory.

So far, so good, he thought, trying to make himself feel more cheerful. "How's your new job?" "So far, so good."
1.We are half finished with our project. So far, so good. The operation is proceeding quite nicely—so far, so good.
2.So far, so good, he thought, trying to make himself feel more cheerful. "How's your new job?" "So far, so good."




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