

俚语 social netwanker

Social Netwanker

One who relentlessly trawls through myspace and facebook, looking for attractive members of the opposite sex. Once found the netwanker will stalk his or her prey through a succesion of messages and comments, in the misguided belief that at some point there may be some kind of physical liason.
"I opened my inbox on Monday morning and it was full of social netwankers"

social netwanking

1. the stimulation or manipulation of one's own ego for self-gratification, through the use of online social networking media

2. self-gratification by (i) maintaining a presence within online social networks and (ii) believing that having online "friends" or "followers" means you are actually popular
Social netwanking was his favorite pastime, so Jim didn't believe that playing with yourself on facebook can make you go blind until it was too late...

Social Netwanking

1. Verb: using pictures of contemporaries added as 'friends' on social networking sites such as Facebook in order to arouse and stimulate oneself.
Phrase coined by David Swift in 2009.
Fancy coming out for a pint, Percy?

Not tonight mate, I'm going on Facebook for a bit of social netwanking.

Social Netwank

The act of browsing through photos (usually holiday photos) of friends/colleagues on Facebook in order to find material to masturbate to.
Bill: Did you see Rachel's holiday photos on Facebook?
Bob: Any ones of her in a bikini? I fancy a Social Netwank.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:25:36