

俚语 benjis


An awesome ass, baller ass juice god who will get any girl within a ten mile radius of him. What a fucking legend.
Hayden: "Babe, where are you going?"
Hayden's girlfriend: "Sorry man Benji is in town I have to go for a minute"


He's a beautiful little bebo. He's the greatest person you'll ever meet. He's lovely, caring, a great friend, sweet, cute, amazing...
If you ever meet a Benji you'll want to keep him forever and cuddle with him till the stars lights disappear, the world ends and the sun explodes.
He's so precious. He never gets mad at anyone and is always sweet to his friends (with the rest of the people he's so shy, what makes him cuter).
If you ever meet a Benji, you found a gift from God.
Example: You're so sweet, just like a Benji!


Benji, a curly haired boy who is funny,weird,loving,caring, and friendly. He is always there to listen and will try to help you out with anything he loves all people and will do anything just to see smiles on your face everyday. Benji a person and symbol of positivity
"Wow, you are just so benji today"


Literally the most hung guy you’ll meet. Talk to him and you’ll fall for him in minutes. Never cheated in his life
Benji is my fucking daddy


The best boyfriend anyone could ask for, Nobody can compare. The one person who you think is your soulmate, the one person you've ever truly been in love with.
I love you Benji


The most amazing person to ever have walked planet earth. Usually has a penis around the size 9-16 inches. Is better than people named Ben, as Ben is a name for massive twats
Benji! You have a big dick!


Some one who is irresponsible and tends to do things with out thinking twice about it, they have a funny personality and makes people laugh a lot this person can make your day when you are down
That guy is just like Benji




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更新时间:2024/9/19 17:04:30