

俚语 socket fuck

Socket Fuck

Having someone take out a prostetic eye and proceding to fuck the open socket with your dick
"Amanda had a glass eye and took it out and showed me how to socket fuck her"

Fuck Socket

A term used to describe someone that is a complete douche bag and really annoying.
That fuck socket over there smudged my kicks with his goofy ass feet, ima go punk his ass right now!

Russian Fuck-socket

The sexual toy made of a severed bear hand with no skin. It's intended purpose is to scratch your insides by twisting the toy like a socket wrench.
"Dude! Lisa totally took the Russian Fuck-socket, last night. Her anus was dripping blood."

Gelatinous Fuck Socket

Refer to Donald Trump.
(Listening to Trump Speak) “Wow, he really is a Gelatinous Fuck Socket.”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:16:26