

俚语 sodomination


The act of dominating somebody by sodomy.
Casper: This little fish is acting up man he is pissing the shit out of me
White: Don't worry he's not gonna escape sodomination


A portmanteau of the words "Sodomizing," and "Mining," originating from the fact that sodomy is often referred to as "mining for little nuggests of poo."
"While I was sodomining your mum last night, I couldn't help but notice my foreskin was an effective tool for trapping tiny bits of poo."

"Would you like to go Sodomining?"
"Sodomining? Don't you mean sodomizing?"
"Yes, but you have a dirty arse and I expect a few nuggets."

"While my boyfriend was sodomizing me last night, I didn't feel bad that I hadn't washed, because he didn't even have the courtesy to give me a reach-around. Sodomizing? SodoMINING more like! Poor man."

"I haven't even sodomined a woman before."


Can be used to describe hell on earth. Can also be used to describe a map/instance on any online game that is complete rapage. Can also be used as a synonym for the Dead Mines in World of Warcraft.
Hey dude, can you run me through the sodomines?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:04:52