

俚语 softboy's


Similar to a fuckboy but without the cocky attitude. The Softboy will butter a girl up by appealing to her emotions and showing a "sensitive" side long enough for her to sleep with him, whether or not he actually cares about her or not. Then, like the fuckboy, he can't/won't commit. Differs from the fuckboy because he goes for the heart and emotions rather than just the body.
The Softboy played me like the Fuckboy did, but at least the fuckboy was honest.


Used for mainly boys who express their softness a lot
God Alex is such a softboi


the exact opposite of a fuckboy, a softboy™ typically wears oversized sweaters, sweatpants, beanies and tends to have soft natural hair. a softboy™ is actually sweet, caring, and an actual aesthetic. softboys™ are the best boys.
“That softboy has my whole heart”


Not to be confused with fuckboy, although extremely similar. Often seen as the male version of “i’m not like other girls.” They probably listen to artists like the 1975, Tame Impala, Hippo Campus and wear lots of sweaters. They consider their taste in music to be a personality trait. Regardless of appearance, a softboy will make a girl feel sorry for him and treat her well long enough to get what he wants (usually sex), then he’ll drop her and move on to the next girl. Oftentimes they have zero communication skills and are compulsive liars. They usually use their alternative music taste/style/aesthetic as a way to attract girls with similar tastes, rather than being “basic” like your average fuckboy.
“God, he is such a softboy, I could submit some of the texts he sends to @beam_me_up_softboi.”


To not be confused with a fuckboy, though they are very similar. A softboy may or may not have a cocky attitude, but if he does, it's all a facade or front. He will claim to be into a girl for her personality and create the impression that he's really trying to get to know a girl below the surface. He'll lead a girl on by continuing to have sex with her knowing he's not interested in her or anything long-term, regardless of whether or not she has or is developing feelings for him. Unlike a fuckboy, a softboy will claim to feel bad about leading her on, but just like a fuckboy, he'll hit her up for late night booty calls with no remorse. Essentially, differs from the fuckboy because he goes for the heart and emotions rather than just the body but ultimately can't control his true fuckboy tendencies that take precedence and trump everything else.
Friend: So you're still hitting her up for a late night booty call even though you know she's into you?
Vincent Wangworawut: Welp. I can't help it--I need that neck.
Friend: You're such a softboy...


Gay, but not

Softboy: I like to color and cook and watch anime and play Minecraft and talk to my friends in my pajamas


A period of time between late spring and summer where e-boys dress in lighter colors and become softboys
It’s softboy season❤️
My heart melts every time I see a softboy.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:56:13