

俚语 some guy's

Some Guy

Simply stated "Some Guy".
Person 1: "Some Guy Just Left His Wallet"
Person 2: "Do You Know Who He Was"
Person 1: "I Dont Know It Was Just Some Guy"

some guys on ice

common misheard lyrics of “cigars on ice”
“wait it’s cigars on ice?? i thought it was some guys on ice”

Just Some Guy Without A Mustache

Just some guy without a mustache who hasn't seen sunlight or had friends in several years.
@Just Some Guy Without A Mustache Why tf are you everywhere?!

just some guy without a mustache

Just Some Guy without a Mustache is a God who you'll find on every good YouTube video you watch. There has been speculated that the only thing he does is watch YouTube and comment on every video for all eternity.
Person 1: boii I saw just some guy without a Mustache again. He had the top comment on the video I was watching.
Person 2: what? Again! He is everywhere these days!

Just some guy without a moustache

the 2 CEO of just some guy organization where their main job is to comment on literally all the youtube videos you watch.
you probably will see these 2 guys on any youtube videos you watch.
your homie: hey do you have ever heard of just some guy without a moustache

you: he's literally everywhere on the comment section how I wouldn't know

and then I totally stabbed some guy

the new "and then i found five dollars"
an expression used to salvage a bad story
"so yeah i had this dream and you were in it and we were in this car but it looked really weird and there was a talking fish and it was just like...woah......"


....and then i totally stabbed some guy

Some guy with totalitarian dreams

My future right hand man in political terror.
Oh my god, it's some guy with totalitarian dreams. For the love of god, don't annoy him.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:49:13