

俚语 song bomb

Song Bomb

When someone blasts you with a song that usually sucks ass on skype or some other way of communicating.
I was talking to my friend Michael on Skype when he song bombed me with shitty rap music.

song bomb


to sing or humm a fragment of a catchy and usually dispised tune so that it becomes stuck in another person or group of peoples heads.
that asswhipe song bombed me with steve miller, he shall pay.

song bombed

the state of being unable to write original music due to the successful completion of a prior work
"After finishing the last piece, I was song bombed for four days."

Song Bombed

When a conversation is interrupted by someone breaking out in song, triggered by a keyword mentioned by another person. This can continue on and on as a fun annoying game!

This is finished with a statement line or punch line " You have just been song bombed" Boom!"
Person 1 "My friend Luka bought this new.." Person 2 - interrupts with "My name is Luka
I live on the second floor..."

Then with the finish statement or punch line " You have just been song bombed" Boom!

Person 1" Hey do you want to..." Person 2 - interrupts with "Do you want to build a snow man, do you want to come out and play..."

Then with the finish statement or punch line " You have just been song bombed" Boom!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:14:05