

俚语 soul circle roles

Soul Circle Roles

This is built for you to find out where that person stand in your circle. (It doesn’t have to be exactly that, use your imagination)

* Regular - someone who you know with maybe 1 or 2 mutuals but you only know them probably through them mutuals, if not that’s shows it’s a “small world” . Depending on how you view this person, it can exceed to 7 mutuals

* Close Friend of a Friend - so usually it’s just somebody you know trough a mutual friend like 1 or 2 mutuals but you don’t wanna call them a regular because you actually think of them more than that

* Hidden Gem - someone who is interesting that you hope no one knows, 1 - 4 mutuals, I’ll say 5 mutuals is a stretch

* I’m not Surprised - this is a person you know and already can assume other people you follow know due to school, work, etc. usually 1 - 9 mutuals

* Well known in “That” circle - these are the “I’m not Surprised” who are well know possible range 10 - 15 mutuals. A Bonus sub role are “big names” some one who may exceed to 20 (rare) these just make sense even though you don’t want to hold them to a celeb standard

* Celeb/famous (most known mutual followers) - 15+ mutuals

* Super Celeb - usually pass your normal so like 40 - 100+ mutuals
"Which Role do I play in your Soul Circle"

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