

俚语 soulism


Soulism, sometimes Political Soulism and Soulianism, is an off-compass lib-left ideology that believes that the individual should be free to do whatever the individual wants, since it would be on the benefit of other individuals, and for do so humanity would need to reach a high level of being and become highly evolved beings, using of technology and of spirituality to do so. Soulism also believes tha the laws of physics are oppressive, such as biological bodies and mortality are also oppressive and both three should be abolished by using of technology and reaching a high level of being by spirituality and technology. Soulism also believes that massive research on quantum mechanics, extraphysical mechanics, extraphysics, multiverses, spirituality and deistology are going to help humanity to reach a high level of being since it's developed under epistemological pluralism and epistemological anarchism since soulism also believes that positivism, materialism, physicalism and neoatheism are oppressive and should also be abolished and replaced by extraphysicalism and soulist philosophy.
"Soulism is one of those off-compass ideologies that started as a freaking meme and now it's a serious ideology, soulism is so serious ideology that there are even people trying to create soulist parties around the world and even created ideologies based on soulism, such as divinialism, transcendentialism, spiritualicism, quantumism and so many others out there."


Soulism - noun - a psychiatric condition; the deriving of wilful destructive inducement of Cardiac Arrest, Ischaemic disease, Stroke and Indigestion.

soulistic - adjective

soulistically - adverb
Fred Blogs lived and died for Soulism.

Soulistically, he was a doomed man.

He lived a Soulistic existance.

Bookchin Soulism

Bookchin Soulism is a soulist ideology that replaces the communalism (meme ideology) by bookchin communalism, bookchin soulism supports the abolition of most hierarchies as possible and is organized into eco-communes that participate in federalism, where most or all private property made communal, but still existing personal property as well. Bookchin Soulism believes that the laws of physics, chemistry, biology and nature should also be abolished by technology or reaching a high level of being, bookchin soulism also supports the evolution of humanity into a post-physical and post-spacetime society in order to overcome the most of hierarchies as possible and in order to enable humanity to become a full communalist society as well. Bookchin Soulism also supports that people are free to do anything they desire since it does not violate bookchin soulism principles and concepts mainly the one of mutual aid and mutual respect between all members of the communes.
"Bookchin Soulism is a form of serious soulism that's really common inside soulist community, at least by the ones who take soulism as a serious ideology , and also bookchin soulism seeks to distance itself for the communalism (meme) and embrace the bookchin communalism that's not the meme version of communalism."

Esoteric Soulism

Esoteric Soulism is a soulist ideology that's focused on spirituality, esoterics, extraphysics and in post-spacetime, it believes that the laws of physics, biology, chemistry, nature, spacetime, materialism, physicalism, positivism and classical transhumanism are oppressive and do not let humanity to evolve spiritually and they should be abolished and humanity must become a spiritual-esoteric extraphysical post-spacetime civilization and species in order to get its full spiritual and esoteric potential by technology and reaching a high level of being. Esoteric soulism also supports the abolition of all forms of hierarchies as possible between humans in order to become the most close as possible of highly evolved beings and it also believes that once humanity become a race of highly evolved beings they will be free to do whatever they want and respect each one free will and wishes as well. Esoteric Soulism also supports the development of evidence-based spirituality, spiritualicism and post-spacetimeism in order to enable humanity to evolve more rapidly into a society and civilization of highly evolved beings and the development of soulist economics and soulist politics in order to reach a society and civilization of highly evolved beings easily.
"Esoteric soulism is basically the essence of soulism itself. That's what true soulism is actually about, soulism is a spiritual and esoteric ideology itself, such as its own name says, SOULism. And even online soulist community is majoritary atheist and materialist, we cannot give up of esoteric soulism and make soulism spiritual and esoteric again."

Post-Spacetime Soulism

Post-Spacetime Soulism is a soulist ideology focused on the superation of the spacetime and the evolution of humanity into a post-spacetime civilization by using technology and/or reaching a high level of being. Post-spacetime soulism believes that the spacetime and the laws of physics, biology, chemistry, nature and the laws and properties of spacetime are oppressive and they should be abolished and humanity must evolve into a post-spacetime and post-physical civilization and society. Post-spacetime soulism also believes that there's a lot of chances to exist life and civilizations beyond spacetime and humanity should prepare itself to deals with those lifeforms and civilizations, post-spacetime soulism is often friends with esoteric soulism since both share literally the same views and beliefs when it's about the post-spacetime.
"Post-Spacetime Soulism shows how post-spacetimeism and soulism are literally the same ideology but with different focused, but both agree that the spacetime and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity and for life as a whole."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:24:39