

俚语 sound as a pound

sound as a pound

The word sound showing approvement and acknowlegdement and pound to show whatever you are refering to. Therefore showing approvement towards something. Originally from the days when the pound coin was introduced was said around London as there was a good exchange rate.
"The party was sound as a pound". Showing good humoured feelings towards it.

sound as a pound

Welsh valleys slang, believed to either have originated from, or given rise to, the 'can of lager/alcopop for £1 until 7pm' promotion that Merthyr's former premier nitespot The Zone used to run. Now means much the same as sound and safe in the complimentary 'cool' sense, expressing one's admiration for another individual/thing.
'That guy's sound as a pound, mun'

sound as a pound in a dog hound

Can i have a fag?
Yea sure mate
sound as a pound in a dog hounddd

Sound as a pound in a mound that’s round

Similar to "Sound as a pound". If something is as sound as a pound, it is very good or reliable.
Boss: This project schedule sound as a pound in a mound that’s round.




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