

俚语 soy boi's

Soy Boy

An effeminate male who’s feelings get hurt far to often, usually resulting in some kinda of pitiful retort or changing of the subject.
Brenden Schaub sure it a Soy Boy.

Soy Boi

A very skinny effeminate man. The type of guy who would be a bottom even if he were straight.
Hey Josh I would like to purchase one red whippin shittys mobile for 1.5 soy boi's, Take it or leave it bitch.

soy boy

a cross between a "simp" and a "nice guy". Rare in real life, but abundant on the internet. Usually claim to be politically correct, eco friendly and so on but only because it makes others perceive them in some type of way. a Soy Boy tends to base his values and morals off of what the majority opinion is to avoid backlash and appear to be a "nice guy". the ways in which soy boys are simps is that their morals and values are changed to appeal to the opposite gender. the special thing about soy boys is that most of them are not self aware in what they're doing and genuinley and don't see how they're manipulating people's perception of them.
person 1: "What's your opinion on kim K and Pete Davidson?"

person 2: "well i was originally team kanye until brittany told me he's being sexist."

person 1: "so you changed your opinion because a girl you like doesn't agree with you? You're such a soy boy!"

Soy Boy

Lacking any masculine features and probably has a mom hair cut.
My friend Brad is such a soy boy.

Soy Boy

A submissive cuck
Mason is a huge Soy Boy

Soy boy

Soy boy is a pejorative term sometimes used in online communities to describe men lacking masculine characteristics. The term bears many similarities and has been compared to the slang terms cuck (derived from cuckold), nu-male and low-T ("low testosterone") – terms sometimes used as an insult for "male femininity" by online communities.

The term is based on the presence of the phytoestrogen isoflavone in soybeans, which has led some to claim that soy products feminize men who consume them, although there is no correlation between consumption of soy phytoestrogens and testosterone or estrogen levels or sperm quality.

The term is often used as an epithet by "internet trolls". It is often targeted at perceived social justice warriors, vegans, liberals, and similar groups. The term has also been used in online debates about the fashion appeal of cargo shorts.
Soy boy is undoubtedly the far-right's newest favourite insult.

soy boy

What a boy learning Spanish says trying to describe himself when he doesn't know the Spanish word for "boy".
Spanish teacher: "Can you say 'I am a boy' in Spanish?"
Boy: "Okay. ¡Hola! Soy boy."
Spanish teacher: "Actually, 'boy' in Spanish is 'chico'. And you should also add 'un' before."
Boy: "Okay. ¡Hola! Soy un chico."
Spanish teacher: "Much better"




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